“In an age in which many middle-class households hire house-cleaners, nannies, gardeners and dog walkers, it may seem passé to point out the need for more study on the work of the home. The work of the home or housework is something that all human beings need and want, but that often is taken for granted until is missing or some sort of conflict arises.” (Home Renaissance Foundation, Aguirre, 2019)


Aguirre Maria Sophia and Steve Davis, “Automation, the Home, and Work”, in The Home in a Digital Age, Antonio Argadoña (ed), London: Routledge Publishers, 2021

Aguirre, Maria Sophia, “The Work of the Home as a Field of Research in Sociology”, Home Renaissance Foundation Working Papers, #40, 2016.

Aguirre, Maria Sophia,"Socio-Economic Impact of the Work of the Home", in Care Professions and Globalization, Ana Marta González and Craig Iffland (eds), Pelgrave- MacMillan, 2014.

Aguirre, Maria Sophia, “La Familia: Motor del Desarrollo Económico”, in Hacia la Responsabilidad Familiar Corporativa, Guia de Buenas Prácticas, Centro Standard Bank CONFYE del IAE Business School, 2013.

Aguirre, Maria Sophia, “The Understanding of Service and the Work of the Home: A Review of Sociology Literature”, Working Papers Series, Home Renaissance Foundation, 2012.

Aguirre, Maria Sophia, “The Feminine Vocation and the Economy”, Ave Maria Law Journal, 8:1, 2009.

Aguirre, Maria Sophia, “Comidas Familiares, Dietas, y Distribución de Alimentos: Plantando las Semillas del Crecimiento Económico”, Dirección en la Industria de la Hospitalidad, 11:1, 2007.

Aguirre, Maria Sophia, "Family Dinners and Food Distribution: Planting the Seeds of Economic Growth", Dirección en la Industria de la Hospitalidad, 11:1, 2007.

Aguirre, Maria Sophia,  “Family Dining, Diet and Food Distribution: Planting the Seeds of Economic Growth”Home Renaissance Foundation Working Papers, N. 7, 2006.

Aguirre, Maria Sophia, “Working Mothers’ Contributions to Family Income: Proportions and Effects”, Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, 20:2, 2006.