“Dr. Aguirre is not just a talented professor, she is a mentor and a servant to the greater good of her field’s community. Throughout class, she vividly presents data and information she has gained from her experience in promoting sustainable development in countries that need assistance. She especially is involved in promoting the welfare of women in parts of the world that do not always grant them equal treatment or rights. It is because of this that her courses are so impactful, as she is a living example of how social science makes a difference in the world.” (Women at CUA Leadership 2019 Award)
ECON 103 – Honors Macroeconomics
HSSS 101 – Great Ideas in Social Sciences
HSSS 204 – Development and Institutions: A Social Science Perspective
ECON 241 – Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 481 – International Finance
ECON 484 – Economics & Finance in Emerging Markets
ECON 541 – Family and Economic Growth
IEDM/IEDP 540 – Integral Economic Development
IEDM/IEDP 543 – Applied Econometrics
IEDM/IEDP 546 – Integral Experimental Economics
IEDM/IEDP 562 – Survey Design
IEDM/IEDP 510 – Ethics and Economic Development
Offices Hours: Tuesday 11:00 am to 12:00 am and by appointment.
HSSS 101 | Great Ideas in Social Sciences | Tu & Thu | 9:40 AM - 10:555 AM | Gowan 408 |
IEDM/IEDP 540 / 540 | Integral Economic Development / Economics of Development and Institutions | Tu & Thu | 15:40 PM - 16:55 PM | Shehan 303 |
“Thank you for such a wonderful semester. I have truly valued the time and effort you have put into helping me further my knowledge and interests in economic development research through your class. Taking your class really opened my eyes to the needs of economic development, particularly the importance and need for the Integral Approach. The way you presented the topics in the course were very thought provoking and allowed me to look at things from a different perspective, thus deepening my interest in them. The growing interest I had in impact evaluation and development throughout the semester, along with doing … research, motivated me to challenge myself in learning and solidifying difficult concepts, and sparked an interest in me to want do Integral Economic Development around the world and further pursue it in my graduate studies. … I am very grateful to have taken your class, as it helped me to see the potential I have in overcoming challenging concepts to achieve successful results. Thank you for believing in me, especially when I didn't believe in myself.” (Class 2019)
“As I prepare to dive in the working world, I wanted to take this time to thank you for all your support… They say that in life there are a handful of people you will meet who will change you in some way. …. You have always been a guiding light for me …” (Graduate student, Class’17)
“I was reminiscing the other day about Catholic [University] and immediately thought of my experience with you and how it has significantly helped me since graduation. I wanted to express my thankfulness to you for being so tough on me and really pushing me to always do my best. That drive to never be satisfied or complacent and to always do my best still exists in me today, and I attribute part of that drive to you.” (Class ’07)